Eddie McClintock and Saul Rubinek Spread WAREHOUSE 13 Love

WAREHOUSE 13 wraps up its second season on Tuesday, September 21 with the conclusion of a two-part episode that delves into the history and future of the Warehouse while bringing the H. G. Wells storyline to a head. Hot Celebrity Tv was there when the funny and charming Eddie McClintock (Pete) and Saul Rubinek (Artie) talked to the press about life on set, getting great guest stars, “shmacting,” character chemistry, and how they feel about season two. There are a couple of spoilers if you haven’t yet seen the first half of the season finale, “Buried.”

On how they feel about the second season as a whole

Eddie said this was his first second season of a show and couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. He’s very proud, especially of the finale.

Saul thinks it has been a really good second season, especially with the “daunting task” they had to follow up on the great Roger Rhys arc of the first season. He called the H. G. Wells storyline intriguing and said that people who normally avoid spoilers want to know what happens. He’s especially happy with the continued focus on the history and mythology of the Warehouse because it gives the show a depth beyond the cool artifacts and mysteries. He also gave huge props to the writers for making sure the characters still care for each other and raising the emotional stakes.

On pranks and how keeping it light on set translates on-screen

When asked whether there was much fun and joking on set, the “boy and man of the warehouse” (h/t Saul) agreed both that the cast all likes each other and that Eddie is the biggest prankster.

Eddie explained that when you’re working fifteen hours a day, five days a week, under the pressure of putting out a show, you need to keep it light on set to break any tension. He said it also makes it easier for guest stars when they come on the show.

Saul remarked that because the show walks a tightrope between comedy and drama, it makes them play more on set and some of what they do for fun ends up on- screen. When they look at an episode, sometimes they will think they tipped too far on the funny scale.

According to Eddie, some Pete jokes were cut out of the “Buried” episode, and he’s glad because he thinks they wouldn’t have fit the episode`s tone. He called himself a “laugh-whore,” someone who always go for the joke and he’s glad there’s a team to reign that in when necessary.

On favorite part of the set

Both Eddie and Saul gave a lot of love to the art department, production design team, and the props department. Saul called them the “secret weapon of the show.” Eddie and Saul both called Saul’s office their favorite spot on the set. Saul described it as steampunk design and 21st century technology with a Captain Nemo vibe. Apparently there are a lot of nooks and crannies we haven’t seen yet.

Saul called the Warehouse 13 set a “magical kingdom” where they get to be kids while they shoot the show. There are still doorways to be explored (Eddie mentioned an S&M room) and we should see Artie’s room at some point.

On the artifacts

Saul likes the historical aspect of the artifacts, that they are extrapolated from the context of the items. He also enjoys the throwaway mentions like “Don’t open that; it’s the original can of worms” from the “Merge with Caution” episode.

When asked what artifact he might like to see, Saul said his son had come up with “the last straw” to frustrate people to death.

On guest stars

Saul explained that one benefit to being a successful show is that you can attract top-level guest stars and that Warehouse 13 has been very fortunate in this regard because those guest stars add something indefinable to the writing and bring the characters to life in unexpected ways. Saul is happy that Warehouse 13 seems to have formed its own extended repertory company.

Eddie said that Jaime Murray is a great lady and has been wonderful to work with, which is good since they were making out within fifteen minutes of being introduced. He was also happily surprised by how well Cody Rhodes did in the “Merge with Caution” episode since it was his first acting role.

On “shmacting”

The Warehouse 13 team refers to acting in front of a green screen as “shmacting” as in acting, shmacting, and Eddie said it can be scary because they have to trust that the effects guys won’t make them look like fools. He added that the “Buried” episode was an acid test because about 80% of it was shot in front of a green screen and he was very happy with how it came out, especially with the Medusa and the interior of Warehouse 2.

Saul said that they usually don’t have to do too much shmacting or that some effect work is simply laid in for depth. He complimented the writing team on mixing it up between the effects and straight up acting, saying that some of the best scenes are the simplest with just two or three actors talking.

On romantic relationships in the show

Eddie is glad that the writers haven’t gone down the romantic road with Pete and Myka and said that he and Joanne Kelly (Myka) would have lobbied against it because it usually means the end of a show when the two leads get together.

As for romantic interests, Eddie called them the “red shirts” of Warehouse 13 because they don’t stick around long due to the inherent danger. He does want Eddie to find someone special and settle down because he thinks that is part of Pete’s “empty space.”

Saul said that all of the characters struggle in the romance department, so its an integral part of the show and the writers have fun with it. It will be an ongoing thing and Saul warned that there will probably always be resolutions that aren’t entirely satisfying unless it’s a series finale instead of a season finale.

On Eddie playing Myka in “Merge with Caution”

Eddie said he had a great time playing Myka. Because he spends so much time with Joanne, it was easy for him to find a few things to use, but he didn’t want to embarrass her with some of the idiosyncratic motions she uses while working. Luckily, she was sweet about it. Eddie also said Joanne did a great Job as Pete, though he ruefully added, “apparently I look like a gorilla.”

On how Pete and Myka can stay alive as agents

Eddie thinks the key to Pete and Myka’s survival is to keep their friendship growing. He said that so long as they have respect for each other and the job, they should be able to stick around just fine.

On the Artie-Claudia relationship

At the suggestion of an Artie-Claudia spin-off web series, Artie laughed and said that would be a good pitch. He explained that he and Allison Scagliotti had an immediate kinship and were great friends right away which, along with the brilliant writing of Claudia’s first episode, set the tone for their entire relationship with some of their off-screen goodness making it onscreen. He loves playing the father-daughter and sorcerer-apprentice parts of the relationship and said that their chemistry has been off the charts since the beginning.

On the Warehouse Caretaker

Saul likes the concept of the caretaker as a giant database that knows everything in the Warehouse, especially since Artie certainly doesn’t. He thought the reveal of Mrs. Frederic as the caretaker was well done and he thinks it was apparently obvious to the Regents that Claudia is the right person to take over the role.

Eddie said that if Claudia were the caretaker she would be blasting Sex Pistols music through the Warehouse and forcing the team to get matching pink hair stripes.

On Valda

To all the people complaining online about Valda’s death, Eddie said, “You’re never dead until you’re dead.” He reminded us that you’re never really dead in science fiction

On the Regents reinstating H. G. Wells as an agent

When asked why the regents gave Helena her job back when it was obvious that Artie was right and it would end badly, Saul cautioned that while it looks like Artie’s right, he might not be and we should always expect twists.

Saul likes that this (like Artie’s trial) shows the fallibility of the Regents, something Mrs. Frederic clearly recognizes. He said they seem to be from normal walks of life and he thinks the show will address where they come from and how they are chosen.

On the Christmas episode

It is a standalone episode, outside the current timeline. Saul said there will even be a disclaimer at the beginning that says something like, “Once upon a time.” or “In a galaxy far, far away.”

On the finale

It picks up right where “Buried” left off and Saul says it resolves things in a satisfying, intriguing, mystifying way. Saul noted there’s a saying that “a great ending is both surprising and inevitable” and he thinks the writers have pulled that off.

On tee shirts by Eddie McClintock

If you’re looking for Warehouse 13 gear, Eddie said that he has been designing Warehouse 13-themed tee shirts for NBC Universal and he hopes to have them ready for people to see within a couple of weeks at EddieMcClintock.com and/or nbcuniversalstore.com


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