Exclusive: CHUCK’s Mekenna Melvin (Casey’s Daughter) Interview

Mekenna Melvin’s first appearance on CHUCK as Alex McHugh, aka Casey’s long-lost daughter, wasn’t until season 3, but she has made a big impression for someone who hasn’t been on the show very long. She returned to the series for the first time this season in last week’s “Chuck Vs. the Coup D’Etat” episode where Alex had quite the effect on both Casey and Morgan.

Hot Celebrity Tv talked to Mekenna about working with Adam Baldwin, supportive Chuck fans, and her upcoming guest appearance on Detroit 187. You can watch her in this week’s “Chuck Vs. the Couch Lock” episode, and for now enjoy the interview.

It was great to see you back on ‘Chuck’ –

Mekenna Melvin: Yea. It was fun.

Even though it was your first time on the show this season you haven’t exactly been gone. They’ve been talking about you nonstop.

Mekenna Melvin: I know which was also fun for me to hear because obviously I’m not in the episode and I haven’t read the script which is great because I’m a super fan. So I’m glad and I’m, like, so excited to see them. I was excited, too.

Do you feel fully integrated into the show now since they’ve made such a big deal out of you between Casey and Morgan?

Mekenna Melvin: I don’t know about completely integrated. I think it looks like things are perhaps going that way. I’m not sure. I’m excited. I definitely have a strong storyline with both Adam’s [Baldwin] and Josh’s [Gomez ] characters. I’m excited to see what happens.

Joining an established show can be hard enough but you were thrown right in as the long lost dater of a serious fan favorite. Casey. What was that like?

Mekenna Melvin: It was so exciting and a whirlwind because the audition process, I actually didn’t know that I was going to be Adam Baldwin’s daughter when I initially auditioned for it. The title of the character was Twenty Year Old Girl and there was just one line, one word and the word was mom. That’s all I knew. They were definitely keeping a strong wrap on that storyline because it was a big reveal for his character. So I didn’t even know going to the audition and then I booked it and I was like, ‘Wow. I booked it on saying mom. That’s great.’ And they were like, ‘Not only that but you’re playing Adam Baldwin’s daughter that he didn’t know he had,’ and they kind of slowly but surely let me know. Then it wasn’t until the next time that they came back that they even told me that her storyline was going to continue. So it’s been a really great roller coaster, for lack of a better word, and I’m just so excited. Working with Adam, he’s Adam. He’s such a seasoned pro and makes everything so easy. So it’s great.

He had great things to say about you at Comi-Con –

Mekenna Melvin: Yeeeeaaa.

Have the fans reached out to you? ‘Chuck’ has a huge fan base. Have they been kind to you?

Mekenna Melvin: They’ve been so kind to me. The fans of ‘Chuck’ are the best fans ever. They are totally supportive. They fought for their show to get back on the air. That’s amazing. I’ve had nothing but wonderful responses from the fans which I think is good because I feel like I have a duty in a sense, that I’m coming into a show that they love and care so much about. I want to make sure that I’m living up to their expectations in a sense.

Do you know how many more episodes you’re going to appear in this season?

Mekenna Melvin: The exact number is still up in the air but I can tell you for sure two more.

You’re in next week’s show?

Mekenna Melvin: Yes.

You had great scenes with both Adam and Josh last week. I loved what you did with Morgan. Can you tease anything about either storyline and I’m assuming they’ll converge?

Mekenna Melvin: You guys will have to watch but I will say that Morgan and Alex’s character, they definitely have a few more scenes together. So it’ll be interesting and fun to see how that plays out.

Any idea if you’ll get dragged into the spy world?

Mekenna Melvin: No. I honestly don’t know if I will or if I won’t. Obviously I would love it because it would be super cool to kick some more butt on the show. I hope so. She’s the daughter of John Casey so anything is possible.

And you have the background for it with your martial arts experience, I understand –

Mekenna Melvin: Exactly. So for me personally it’d be so much fun to be able to do two of the things that I love simultaneously which was really also another cool thing about when I booked the job initially. Once again I had no idea of who she was or anything really about it, and then when I found out I got to kick my dad’s ass – I’m sorry, his butt. You can change that [laughs]. I was so stoked. I was like, ‘This is great. I get to use it.’

What would you like to see Alex do in the future? I picture her becoming the trainee of Sarah as Morgan is the trainee of Casey.

Mekenna Melvin: That sounds good. I don’t know. To be completely honest I’m having a lot of fun, and maybe this is the fan inside of me of the show, watching everything unfold.

Your mom was a theater director and your dad a drama teacher. Was there any chance you weren’t going to grow to be an actor?

Mekenna Melvin: Actually, my mom was a theater drama teacher and my dad is a high school sports coach. He coached basketball, softball. He coached a softball team that won the junior Olympics. He’s a total athlete.

So you were either going to be an athlete or an actor –

Mekenna Melvin: I definitely lived in like this middle world most of my childhood and still to this day sports are a huge part of my life, but yeah, I always knew that acting was what I wanted. It was the one thing that has always remained really solid for me and has been my thing forever.

Can you talk about your ‘Detroit 187′ episode?

Mekenna Melvin: I’m very excited. I believe, if I’m remembering correctly, it’s the sixth episode and I got to work a lot with James McDaniel who’s really fun. Paul McCrane was our director which was awesome because having a director who’s also an actor is just a gift in itself. We all speak the same language. I had so much fun. It’s a completely different character from Alex which was great because there’s nothing more exciting than going from one extreme to the other.

You haven’t been working that long and have gotten to work with Tim Roth and Adam Baldwin and now Michael Imperoli. What’s next?

Mekenna Melvin: I don’t know. I mean I’m just kind of auditioning and I’m getting out there and I’m excited to see what happens.

Are there any shows that you’d love to guest star on?

Mekenna Melvin: So many. I’m a huge ‘Dexter’ fan. Huge. I love that show. ‘Mad Men’. I love that show. There are so many good shows on TV and there are so many people that I’d love to work with.

Like who?

Mekenna Melvin: Julianne Moore is one of my favorites. I love her. Michael Pitt is really exciting. There’s so many the list could go on. Sean Penn.

Chuck airs on NBC Mondays at 8pm/7 central.


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