Felicia Day, the writer/producer/star of the successful web series The Guild, may be best known for her portrayal of Vi on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but she has also guest-starred in shows ranging from Dollhouse to Lie to Me. She played Penny in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and will have a juicy recurring role in the second half of Eureka‘s current season. She is an avid reader and loves paranormal romances. You can check out her reading list on Good Reads.

Felicia stars in Syfy’s original movie RED: WEREWOLF HUNTER, airing Saturday, October 30 at 9pm/8 central. She plays Virginia Sullivan, a descendant of the original Red Riding Hood who is trying to live a life outside her family’s normal business of hunting werewolves, but runs into problems when she brings her fiancĂ© home to meet the family and he’s bitten by a werewolf.

Hot Celebrity Tv was there when the charming, talented, and busy Felicia Day answered questions about Red: Werewolf Hunter, what she’ll be doing in Eureka, and whether she could see herself playing a villain.

On Red: Werewolf Hunter

Felicia said that the film uses the original ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ tale as a jumping off point to create a modern day story. While there are a few brief flashbacks to the original Red Riding Hood, Felicia said, “This movie is set in the real world and my family is tasked with keeping werewolves from the real world.” There is a struggle of family and obligation in the movie, and Felicia teased, “There’s a lot of drama and blood, too, which is fun.”

The film shot in Toronto and used a lot of cool locations, including a shanty town that was an old set that had deteriorated. They also used a very old house that was half-renovated and Felicia said the fight scenes there utilized every aspect of the home’s architecture. She called it a whirlwind shoot and said the cast and crew all worked well together.

Felicia said Red is a very dramatic, serious film with strong horror elements, but that it also infuses a sense of fun. She said that it sometimes goes over the top in “the very best way,” and used the arsenal of weapons in the film as an example of that. Virginia uses guns, knives, even a harpoon and other characters uses a kind of cyberpunk Tommy gun. She also said to watch out for all the weapons on the walls.

On the role of Virginia

When asked what drew her to the role of Virginia, Felicia explained it actually came at a time when she had already turned down two things because she was so busy writing season 4 of The Guild, but she read the script and it was right up her alley: “I was a huge fairy tale fan and I tried to minor in folk lore in college, but my dad said that was ridiculous.” She also said that it looked like a fun challenge because it is different than the roles she normally plays and she was flattered to be asked to star in a Syfy film.

According to Felicia, Virginia is more mature than much of what she plays and she had to work to keep her grounded. She said, “I have a perception in my head that I’m tougher than I look,” and she had to draw on that for this role. She thinks that she and Virginia share a desire to bring out the best in other people because both are deeply caring people. She also thinks both put others first.

When asked whether Red is similar to her Buffy character, Vi, Felicia said that Red “takes that idea of being chosen and shows the dark side of it.” Virginia is not comfortable with the destiny of being a werewolf hunter that was decided before she was even born, whereas Vi found herself in her destiny. Felicia thinks Mag, her character on Dollhouse, is more similar to Virginia.

Felicia trained very hard for the role and had a great time shooting the fight scenes. She said she loved “being able to run and jump on people and slash.” She ended up with a lot of bruises, but no real injuries.

Her two favorite scenes to shoot were one where Virginia is “completely disempowered” because it was fun to do such a dramatic scene and the finale, which had so much to coordinate.

On beating Sharktopus

On Felicia’s blog, she talks about wanting to beat the ratings for the recent Syfy movie Sharktopus, but Felicia said that she’s teasing and not really trying to start a campaign. She said she comes “from the idea that fandom is voluntary” and that you can never predict what people would like, but that she feels this is a good film and she would be a fan herself. She also joked that she trained so hard for Red that she could beat Sharktopus herself.

On Eureka

Felicia plays scientist Dr. Holly Martin, who has, at least initially, an antagonistic relationship with Fargo (Neil Grayston). She will also be attracted to Wil Wheaton’s Dr. Isaac Parrish character, which causes issues. Despite Colin Ferguson’s Tweet that he spent two hours naked in front of Felicia (Felicia laughed and said that was just one of those coincidental things), the love triangle is Holly-Fargo-Isaac. “It’s a tumultuous situation with a lot of tension between the three.”

Felicia said she has no information about Eureka‘s inext season and said she was just happy every time they called her to come back for this season. She called the scripts “fantastic” and said she had a great experience on set. She really enjoyed the fun things they did with the dialogue.

Stan Lee appears in one of Felicia’s episodes and she called him “one of the most charming, nicest people I have ever met. Such a sweetheart.” She said that the crew, who are usually pretty blasĂ© about actors, completely fangirled him.

Felicia called acting with her Red: Werewolf Hunter costar Kavan Smith again “like a homecoming,” but added they didn’t have to have the same chemistry they did on Red.

On playing a villain

When asked why so many of her roles are such good-hearted characters, Felicia answered, “As a person, I am very good-hearted, and I think that shines through in my acting. She also said that playing a villain is on her dream character list and that if a project doesn’t come around at some point giving her the opportunity, she will write it herself.

On a The Guild Season 5 and holiday specials

The Guild‘s Season 4 just ended, and it is too soon to talk about season 5, though if you saw the cliffhanger, Felicia said you know she has an idea of where it will go. She added that while there is no word yet on whether or not Microsoft will be picking up the next season, she should know around the first of the year.

There are no new holiday episodes planned for this year due to production conflicts and the fact that they did a Christmas video last year and don`t want to repeat themselves, but they may release online a Halloween video that was only available on the DVD. Felicia said that she is looking at the first quarter or half of next year to see what holidays they might be able to do.

On writing The Guild comics

Felicia is in the middle of writing her series of five The Guild comics and she said that she is really happy to be getting into the back stories of some of the characters we don’t know so much about. She’s also thrilled with the excellent cover artists who are involved.

Felicia wryly noted that she signed up to write the comics for Dark Horse without really knowing how much comic book writers do. They are essentially writers, directors, and producers, and Felicia said it was a learning experience to see things visually and she has the utmost respect for all the comic book writers out there.

On other web series projects

Felicia teased that she is working on a few other web series to air during The Guild’s off-seasons, but she said she couldn’t say anything about them except that at least one is more dramatic than what she has done before. She explained that there is a long development process and she won’t go forward until she’s proud of every word in the script.

On Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Felicia said the Dr. Horrible set “crackled with creativity” because everyone was there simply to create an amazing piece. They didn’t get paid up front and they didn’t have the usual limitations that come from working with networks, etc. She enthused, “It was an amazing experience. I don’t think I’ll ever have a job to top the experience of working on that set.

On being a gamer

When asked if she considered herself a gamer, Felicia laughed and said, “If I could only use one adjective to describe myself, that would be it.” She called gaming her first love and said she was on the web before it was the web, dialing into Prodigy and CompuServe for King’s Quest tips. She has recently started buying versions of old-school games like Masquerade Vampire and Space Quest from GOG. com. She created The Guild because of her love for gaming and much of her inspiration comes from her own experiences and has added her voice to several video games.

On Veronica in Fallout

Felicia voiced the Veronica character in Fallout: New Vegas game and said she spent eight hours playing yesterday and that she had fun recruiting herself.

She called Veronica “completely over-powered in the best way” and said that the writers were very much influenced by Joss Whedon so Veronica has the best quips of any character.

Be sure to watch Red: Werewolf Hunter on Syfy Saturday, October 30 at 9pm/8 central.


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